Name: Apollo, I got this name off of the Greek God Apollo.
I chose this name cause he was one of the best fighters. I think that I too am a great fighter I may not be the best but I am great.
Belt: Master belt, The reason my join date is so early is because I lost my account
Do to the rollback and just had the account re-registered by slipanc.
Mods: Aikido and wushu
Clan History: I applied for Freestyle but got rejected because I started to insult jire cause I dislike the clan c3 and he was previously in c3 I know that it was wrong of me but it just came out.
Who recruited you: Uh, no one I guess. I just wanted to apply.
Reason For applying: While looking threw the clans you guys really popped out to me. I applied because I like how you guys are serious but are not too
serious. I took my time looking for the right clan for me. I have not been in a clan yet and this will be my first if I get accepted.
Do you have skype?:No, but if needed and or wanted I will Download.
Other: Uhm, My normal join date was 8/8/09
2 Multilayer Replays of aikido (relaxed fighting style) On it
"I have read and will abide by the rules of Secret' list.": (yes/no) Yes
"I have a black belt or higher and 50+ post": (yes/no) Yes
Last edited by Apollo_older; May 16, 2011 at 04:44 PM.