Original Post
HeadMaker's Head shop
My head a r cheap MS paint heads and some gimp NOW i GOT LESSONS FROM PROS LOOK AT NEW HEADS

TC 15

10 Tc

50 Tc

Pattern #2:
12 Tc

ice COLD: 75 tC

COLD #2: 50 TC

rOBOSKULL: 60 tc

BABY: 55 tC

neon looking two faced head: 95 tc

Army goof: 60 tc

Neon Army goof: 65tc

Peace head: 50 tc

Guy with mask: 35 tc

guy with mask#2: 45 tc

blue face: 5tc
Last edited by HEADMAKER; May 19, 2008 at 12:43 PM.
you should rly lower the prices because these some aren't even worth paying 100tc
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
i like the cold ones can i buy?
You Better Get My Damn Ravioli!!! I'm Gonna Unleash the Beast up in this B***H!