Originally Posted by culapou View Post
Can we re-instate the 13 year old age limit again?
Or maybe a mandatory IQ test, must get over a 38?

JC, I will put this in the most simple, primitive form possible for you.

-Humans burn fuels that release carbon, carbon then bonds to oxygen in our atmosphere creating carbon dioxide-AKA "pollution"

-The sun release electro magnetic radiation, or light. This light heads towards the earth in multiple forms. We have visible light, radio-waves, ultraviolet, and more.

-Light passes through our atmosphere and is absorbed by the earth, the bi-product of this absorbed light is heat.

-As heat is then released from the earth it passes through our atmosphere, and out into space, however, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases prevent all of the heat from escaping.

-The heat that does not escape is reflected back down to the earth creating the warming effect.

Did you hear about the rapture?

According to that everywhere should be getting hotter. But here in Australia, as AD said we didn't really have a 40 degree Celsius day during summer. And they were saying that "THIS WILL BE THE HOTTEST WINTER EVAR!!1!" but its actually a fairly cold winter as well. I'm not sure if other places are getting colder/hotter but i certainly know its getting colder here.
I believe that it is directly related to major cities that burn more fumes than in places that dont burn as much.

Also on the OP, the use of commas, periods, and any punctuation or grammar rules would make you seem a lot smarter.
Originally Posted by Juhizz View Post
Mars and Neptune have warmed up just as much as Earth.
=global warming is real, just not caused by humans

Can't give a link to the source since I saw it in some documentary few days ago.

lol, you're thinking of solar minimum and solar maximum, the points when the sun is least active and when it's most active. also considering the earth rotates around the sun in an elliptical orbit every so many years the earth and the sun get closer and further apart from each other.

you can tell when we are in a solar maximum by the amount of solar flares and sunspots. the sun also goes through seasons apart from this.

humans still create global warming, it's just not as drastic (yet) as al gore makes it out to be lol
You don't say?
Originally Posted by noomy View Post
According to that everywhere should be getting hotter. But here in Australia, as AD said we didn't really have a 40 degree Celsius day during summer. And they were saying that "THIS WILL BE THE HOTTEST WINTER EVAR!!1!" but its actually a fairly cold winter as well. I'm not sure if other places are getting colder/hotter but i certainly know its getting colder here.

Short term, regional weather shifts are not the same as

How does Australia having one cold summer completely discredit ALL of the evidence that PROVES the earth is HOTTER than EVER BEFORE?
I just wanna state that we do pollute less than volcanoes and its a good thing that they don't erupt every minute because
In about 1950 or something like that volcano erupted and polluted worse than mankind has ever done in their existence (AT THAT TIME)
I belive global warming is real its just not as bad as some people think I mean if you think about the north pole it is all ice. From the most recent ice age which was about 1million years ago.

i belive Global Warming is real, becuase look at this picture theres an ice in there land, but becuase Global Warming the ice will melt.
Global Warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere,so Global WArming makes Warm in Earth but if we use like smoke or ETC it will be Hot in Earth
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Originally Posted by culapou View Post
Short term, regional weather shifts are not the same as

How does Australia having one cold summer completely discredit ALL of the evidence that PROVES the earth is HOTTER than EVER BEFORE?

Australia is part of the world. As i said, i'm not sure what it is like in other country's. Its the fact that we've had a cold summer, and a freezing winter that comes across as weird, since its always really hot over here. But obviously you know more about this than me so i'll go with what your saying :P
Originally Posted by Vman45 View Post

i belive Global Warming is real, becuase look at this picture theres an ice in there land, but becuase Global Warming the ice will melt.
Global Warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere,so Global WArming makes Warm in Earth but if we use like smoke or ETC it will be Hot in Earth

Not to be mean but i think you mean on not in and you spelled because wrong twice And elaborate on what you mean by "Use smoke"
Originally Posted by airstrike6 View Post
Not to be mean but i think you mean on not in and you spelled because wrong twice And elaborate on what you mean by "Use smoke"

means Smoke is Pollution,it makes Global Warming
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