Belt: 5th dan black(50 games to 6th)
Mods: aikido BD, lenshu, aikido
Clan History: demonic(on alt account)
Who recruited you:EJM
Reason For applying:i think secret is a really awesome clan and i would like to join because i have always wanted an officail clan. also i like the members that i have seen around in toibash, they are all really good and mature(i get annoyed bt immature players), i think i would be a good addition to an awesome clan
Do you have skype?: no but i can try get skype
Other:i have MSN messenger and Facebook, i am friendly and can make textures, i am very active ingame and reasonably active on forums
2 Multilayer Replays of aikido (relaxed fighting style) : i will put them up in a couple of hours because i dont have any saved....
"I have read and will abide by the rules of Secret' list.": yes
"I have a black belt or higher and 50+ post": yes