Neutral to Stich. You seem like an ok guy but I can't tell anything until I'd get to know you at least a bit and see you being active ingame (so far haven't) But you seem to be getting in anyhow because the majority approves of you, which is fine by me np =)

Lemon I recall Apollo is your alt account and you were an asshole towards me/other C3's members/previous members and escaping to a new account to get your reputation clean won't work that simply (anyone who knows this case can prove it, there are a bunch) and now you're applying to what.. your 5th, 6th, 7th clan? You don't appear to show remorse as you haven't personally apologized to me.



Most probably, You in = Me out.
Last edited by Jire; May 21, 2011 at 06:48 PM.
These damn time zones, I had lunch just now.

Lemon, please, avoid posts like:
Originally Posted by Lemon View Post
Good job hycx

These spam posts makes our chances to be official, fall off. Not to mention it makes us a polluted DSC. Posts like that can be said in IRC.

Originally Posted by Jire View Post
Neutral to Stich. You seem like an ok guy but I can't tell anything until I'd get to know you at least a bit and see you being active ingame (so far haven't) But you seem to be getting in anyhow because the majority approves of you, which is fine by me np =)

Lemon I recall Apollo is your alt account and you were an asshole towards me/other C3's members/previous members and escaping to a new account to get your reputation clean won't work that simply (anyone who knows this case can prove it, there are a bunch) and now you're applying to what.. your 5th, 6th, 7th clan? You don't appear to show remorse as you haven't personally apologized to me.



Most probably, You in = Me out.

I know Apollo... Sorry, I don't like troublemakers. We don't like clan hoppers. And sorry again but considering Jire's APP, I can't ignore it, you were auto-rejected.

About Stich I keep saying yes.
Last edited by Math; May 21, 2011 at 06:57 PM.
Originally Posted by Jire View Post
Neutral to Stich. You seem like an ok guy but I can't tell anything until I'd get to know you at least a bit and see you being active ingame (so far haven't) But you seem to be getting in anyhow because the majority approves of you, which is fine by me np =)

Lemon I recall Apollo is your alt account and you were an asshole towards me/other C3's members/previous members and escaping to a new account to get your reputation clean won't work that simply (anyone who knows this case can prove it, there are a bunch) and now you're applying to what.. your 5th, 6th, 7th clan? You don't appear to show remorse as you haven't personally apologized to me.



Most probably, You in = Me out.

I didn't know it.
Changing my vote to neutral until some proofs appear.
taking art requests for USD
But I was already accepted?

Jire I did say sorry.

Already had some one making a [one] forum set

Clan hopping I haven't been in any to clan hop from lol.

I did apologize jire.

If I get rejected this fucks everything up cause I told c3 I was joining you guys and to out me as ally.

I also am having a forum set made for me with [one] and my name on it.
Last edited by Lemon; May 21, 2011 at 07:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You weren't accepted, sorry, and I can't ignore Jire's post. I know what you did, I hope you improve your reputation, but no... You weren't accepted and please, don't post here again.

News, news, I did a new rule:
If some [one] member hates you, you're automatically rejected.

It means that only friends, sympathizers will get in.

After all, I don't want everyone hating each other in [one].
Last edited by Math; May 21, 2011 at 07:21 PM.
I say no to Lemon, and neutral for Stich.

Lemon: I was neutral on you, but when I saw Jire's post... No.

Stich: I don't know you, and I can't say anything because of that, the only thing I know about you is that you changed your name to Stich.
Stich already got in, Lemon were rejected.
Also guys, i suck, I SUCK, i don't know how to make art and made this fuck below.

suck head

How much that head sucks?
Also, is that a good try for my first robotic head texture?
btw, whatever the flat, get it for free ;~;
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada