Christmas Lottery
wiki's been edited
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
I have achieved 2nd dan!!!

ps, can u take KB off for me thx =P
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
Hey guys... I kinda shouldnt be posting here because im in [NEWB], but in your clan video it says that a guy named D0mination (or DOmination, or Domination) was in your video so now people in-game come up and say: "Wow, you were in [DAT]?? Coolzors." I'm getting kinda frustrated... Can someopne just explain this to me?
Authentic Furry
well, you know we HAVE a guy named domination in our clan O_o

you could have check you know, like you DID post in our roster after all
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
my modes are wushu,judo,taek kyon,kickbox,betabox,aikido and samba yea im good at alot
and im a 8th dan now
Last edited by wert1234ru; Jun 6, 2008 at 07:56 PM.
hi... i want to ask you (jepoy) if there's any chance of making a "reserve soldiers" for the ones that are active in forum, but inactive in game. that can be used in urgent situations.
i'm just asking this cause i've been very innactive ingame, since my internet at home sucks, but im still active in forum. if you dont want to create that just for one member foor now, then i think you can put me in the retired soldiers, at least for now, until i have my internet at a good speed.