My friend skipped alot of grades

Im my country you enter high school at 13 (normally) he entered and he was 9.
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skipping grades is a good thing. but it does show that we should update our school content. kids are getting smarter and smarter, and we should adapt that into our curriculum's.

also more foreign languages in schools.
It is a good thingy sunny, but there exposed to more inappropriate things.
or emotionally not ready for things like that. Could scar them maybe.
the problem is, when chldrens minds aren't stimulated enough, then they start to become a problem child

i was like that all the way through primary school, until in secondary, there was finally stuff that was challenging enough for me

it really depends whether that should be allowed
if this person gets moved up, they'll find it really hard to fit in to the social groups, and will probably be the subject of a lot of bullying

if this person is kept at the grade they are in, then its not going to benefit anyone

also especially with the less mature years, people will complain and give no ends of grief to people

its a difficult question, but if the student wants to, and is able to, they should be allowed
CrayonWarriorZ is too damn lazy to write a signature :)
Well, obviously there needs to be a better solution, the current system is pretty poor.

Students work at different levels, yet you need to keep kids with their friends so they can develop social skills.

In highschools (in Australia at least) we have 'streaming', there are 4 or 5 'tiers' of work (Maths 1, maths 2, etc), so kids can be grouped in to more difficult classes but still remain with the right peer group. This is the best solution to me. If only primary schools had this.

But even with this, the work is not challenging enough. I remember the first 3 years of highschool were just a repeat of what I learnt in primary school, which is just poor. In the end it was maybe 6 months worth of actual learning in an entire highschool education...

The social aspects were certainly needed, but that little education in such a long time is just poor.
Originally Posted by NinjaBent View Post
At my school kids learn words like "Cock", "Dick" and "Tits" very fast. I'd actually be surprised if there was anyone at my school that didnt know these words.

everyone knows those words even my 6 yr old brother and thats why little children should stay away from the big kids.

Same in school
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I entirely disagree with this. Kids should not be allowed to skip grades, as they will not be as emotionally developed as their peers, and will obviously be the victims of bullying. Kids who are not as advanced probably are not mature enough to handle the fragile mind of a younger child, and it could end up very bad.
my whole 7th grade here in sweden got screwed because they was checking if i had Adhd, that i have and when the 8th grade started i got a personal assistant that would help me with the school and the results was that i am currently the smartest kid in my class and i can do math that the ones which are in the gymnasium (the kind of school we go to after our version of high school) without even a little problem ;-) The biggest reason that i improved is the assistant, more difficult work and my medicine for adhd. So that thing about stimulation actually is true, atleast in my case.

Now onto topic. Skipping grades isnt actually such a good thing if it is that many grades because of the behavior and language of todays teen boys against small kids.
Last edited by junibug; Jun 23, 2011 at 06:10 PM.
Here is another example of what can happen from skipping grades that just came up in my mind. I remember a guy that skipped 7th grade and went on to the 8th. He was cool for a while until he hanged out with the wrong guys. Now he's in some other state or something because he punched a teacher from what i heard. But im not sure. And everyone hates him now. So keep little kids where they belong
Have you ever wondered what a pink waffle would look like? http://*******/NfTqyv