Christmas Lottery
Oh shit yo

whatever it costs to get it removed professionally will be a shit load less than what it will cost to fix the damage if it falls. Your parents gotta get on that thing quick :O
My shop
my freind is in the hospital with a brain anuerysm, I don't think she's going to live. If she does live, she wont remember me or anything. I need a hug.
/me hugs NickJohann
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Ohshi- dude...

My grandpa had one and he lived suprisingly. But now he gets mad easier now. And my uncle got one also. He died in december.

It sucks...
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by NickJohann View Post
my freind is in the hospital with a brain anuerysm, I don't think she's going to live. If she does live, she wont remember me or anything. I need a hug.

My condolences. I don't know what else i can give to help...
*hugs nick. wtf happened to our wibbles thread. this shit should go in serious discussion..... also nick please change your status, im getting worried
Rogue clown