Hmm i see subzer0z is making you guys the picture, still need me too beacause i might be able to whip one up quicky later on today ill have to see :v
Originally Posted by subzer0z View Post
what do u guys think of this for our logo
and ebrithil can I have sphinx relax for 280 TC that all i got and i want it i need it so bad

Dont have one atm, try looking in the market
Originally Posted by kidbuu32 View Post
o ok
ill have 2 do it 2morrowz
ebrithil cn u make me a head texture like u did here on the forum

Yea sure any ideas on what style you want
Oh and i thought of a new story for you guys, the other one is ok but it seems more likr what happened that a cool riviting story. Anyways tell me what you think it goes somthing like this.

One day almost an age ago there lived a mighty warrior. He was trained in the arts of stealth and precision. He was a ninja. Later he mastered these arts and was gifted with the power of fire. Later he met his apprentice, bomba12131, after he had taught bomba all he knew the great ninja died in a battle leaving bomba alone. But bomba could not fight this battle alone, he trained his own apprentices r3dkght and subzer0s (sorry if it got your names wrong didnt want to go back to check). But even the power of these three was not enough so they trained ninjas from all around the power of fire. We are NoF! Ninjas on fire!

Alright well thats kinda the thing i was thinking of for a clan story for you guys, its fine if you dont like it, it was pretty much just somthing to keep me busy on my way to school
Last edited by Muse; Jun 7, 2011 at 07:03 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Made by Fenris
hey guys wazzup! did ya see my screenshot
hey guys. question . if i want to get my replays on other people's laptop what do i do?
Last edited by crazyfalcon; Jun 7, 2011 at 08:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Challenge what's impossible
I am psychotic that's why I do that LOL
ebrithil still make 1 urs will be better this is my 1st time trying
im going ill be back later cya
Last edited by subzer0z; Jun 7, 2011 at 10:17 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
ill try make it if i can make images i can make textures(hopefuly) ill make it wen i get back from school im in school right now i sneaked on looool
and ebrithil ill let you be in the clan picture because ur the best allie we got u post all the time and doing us faivours like clan picture and video(i think)
Last edited by subzer0z; Jun 7, 2011 at 02:35 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ok cool , it shouldnt take me too long to do kidbuu's tex and the pic for the clan. Although im kind of pressed for time, i have my hardest exam tomorroe.
Made by Fenris
Alright people i made that picture i said i would, what do you guys think? oh and kidbuu32 i havent forgotten you, just have to get some studying done quick then ill do your head.
Made by Fenris