Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Star View Post
Sparks has got a bit of a split personality, eh? ;o


I tested tyde,results: nivek32 uchiha619
Aikido.tbm 3 0
taekkyon.tbm 1 2
lenshu.tbm (mod of choice) 0 3 (after a match replay because he was afk for 1 round.Otherwise i would have won.)
Final result: nivek32 uchiha619
4 5
Sonny wrote me a pm.
We will test him right after we tested carlos so ima make a room after the gmtourney.
/jo syn and wait for me and chris and fachry
killer rejected

only won 2 game / 9game

1 in judo
1 in tk
hayz : Fachry is kewl and i like him(in a non-gay way)
Real name: bogdan
QI: 4415
Previous bans: for not listerning to moderators , 1 day ban
Timezone: gmt +2
Preferred modes: taekkyion
In-game activity (scale of 1-10): 7/10
Forum activity (scale of 1-10): 8-9/10
What is the most important command in Toribash? /ban ;triggerhappy;
(Getting this wrong hurts your chances of being accepted)

Why you want to join. Be specific. What made you choose this clan and not another one?
I have some friends in this clan , so that's why I want to join , to be in the same clan with you guys and etc.

replays : there , also no , the first one is not instagib if that's what you're thinking.
Attached Files
Kat - notFlawless.rpl (193.7 KB, 11 views)
Kat - Asylum.rpl (325.9 KB, 10 views)
Kat - Maek replay.rpl (450.8 KB, 9 views)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
Real name: bogdan
QI: 4415
Previous bans: for not listerning to moderators , 1 day ban
Timezone: gmt +2
Preferred modes: taekkyion
In-game activity (scale of 1-10): 7/10
Forum activity (scale of 1-10): 8-9/10
What is the most important command in Toribash? /ban ;triggerhappy;
(Getting this wrong hurts your chances of being accepted)

Why you want to join. Be specific. What made you choose this clan and not another one?
I have some friends in this clan , so that's why I want to join , to be in the same clan with you guys and etc.

replays : there , also no , the first one is not instagib if that's what you're thinking.

yes from me
hayz : Fachry is kewl and i like him(in a non-gay way)