Oblivion by far. NutHug himself has said Oblivion is better than him. Nightin hasn't made a replay in 340935 years, and Jaker and Swex just aren't up to that level.
My thoughts exactly.
<Fish> How is being a dumbass a form of venting? Is this some sort of flatulence related joke?
this depends on what you mean, speed or realism.
i havent seen oblivion freerun ultimate_freerun anymore(idk really, have been inactive for half a year), so i cant tell, if we are basing it on that mod.
This is just a "who has been featured in the most freerunning videos" competition, when you get right down to it.
Also, since this is just a pathetic gimmick by swexxelite, and oblivion has come out with a grand total of 1 or 2 freerunning replays, gonna go with nuthug for his attention to detail and realism.
People who bother arguing about this are silly, we're entitled to our opinion.