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Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
It's funny how some people don't think Oblivion is the best freeruner.

But between swex and nuthug I'd have to say that swex can't even compare with him yet.

Edit: also shuckle, he didn't stop ;p

I know, but he doesn't do them like Oblivion does, he practices, NutHug is just naturally good.
Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
I know, but he doesn't do them like Oblivion does, he practices, NutHug is just naturally good.

Oblivion got to his level in less than 1 year of replay-making so that's what I would call naturally good heh ;p
Originally Posted by Larfen View Post
Oblivion by far. NutHug himself has said Oblivion is better than him. Nightin hasn't made a replay in 340935 years, and Jaker and Swex just aren't up to that level.

My thoughts exactly.
<Fish> How is being a dumbass a form of venting? Is this some sort of flatulence related joke?
this depends on what you mean, speed or realism.
i havent seen oblivion freerun ultimate_freerun anymore(idk really, have been inactive for half a year), so i cant tell, if we are basing it on that mod.
Member of Oblivion
Hyperactive aikido freak
This is just a "who has been featured in the most freerunning videos" competition, when you get right down to it.

Also, since this is just a pathetic gimmick by swexxelite, and oblivion has come out with a grand total of 1 or 2 freerunning replays, gonna go with nuthug for his attention to detail and realism.

People who bother arguing about this are silly, we're entitled to our opinion.
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Hey look more than two lines.