I'm always sad to see someone leave, even if I don't know him.

But I suppose I don't know 99.999% of the people who play toribash now. Time to look up some of his replays.


Owait I can't, cuz I haven't renewed my ToriPrime yet...)
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Who is jets?

well, i personally dont know him, but I guarantee you that he will come back, someday he will wonder what new things has the game and forum ;o
As someone mentioned before, nobody really leaves toribash.
Oldschool / M5k / Contact KiTFoX
I'm back
Once you go bash, you never go back.
I've not had many encounters with jets, but the ones I have had have been enlightening.
Jets, we will miss you. Your skills, your innovative mods, your stunning personality.

I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we hope you will drop in from time to time and grace us with your presence.
