Get a power kite, learn to fly it real well. Once you've done this and haven't killed yourself from trying to fly in high winds you can proceed to step 2.
Step 2: At this point you have multiple choices, you can either get a trike, a board, or just decide to do kite jumping if you got a big enough kite.
Step 3: Do what you chose above.
Step 4: Attain more kites.
Another hobby you could get into for that amount of money could be R/C planes. They make for a great hobby. My favorite are combat wings and going out with friends to combat with them. Combat contains trying to knock the other person's plane out the air. They're very durable and made for this. The material is a special kind of foam, like styrofoam but it's very flexible and won't break.
Another hobby you could try is saving up like 10 grand and then buying a powered paraglider. I recommend a quad because trikes will tip over easy and running with a 50 pound motor on my back doesn't sound fun.
source: Past/present experiences. Let's see you already say you have all of these things!!!11!11one!!