ok bro ill space it all out ok
but when i do it this time dont erase it ok
Last edited by biggems; Jun 28, 2011 at 06:28 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
ok bro there hows tht look
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
Its just edit a little...not really changing anything but erasing those commas in the Goals...and cappin some words and i really like the banner
ty and ok im gonna be in game recruiting ok type /jo nf recruiting if u want to come
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
i would but i cant...but you basically can do every thing i can do...but I can remove player from clan and you can only suggest players removement of clan...and I will most likely say can add memebers to the clan...u dont need my permission...Admins can recruit too and add them to clan...but they can only vote for players removal...and they need majority vote...unlike you...I will decide and I will most likely be yea hes outy
ok cool bro soon will have some ppl coming ok im gonna go recruit
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.