Originally Posted by PanzerSoul View Post
Yeah seen that happen once or twice, no idea what causes it though.

Btw, does posting the mod at mean that the mod can be played on multilayer?

if uke or tori start at 0,0,0 then warp, the gameplay will be Ok, but the replay will make the player dq at the begging, and one has to edit out the replay later on
i have this problem with my mod.
i set some objects to .125 X size (or y cant remember)
however when ever i start the mod up it goes str8 to 1 Xsize or something.
anyone know how i can fix this?
if it helps

My Mod

Last edited by Sentinel; Jul 5, 2011 at 01:37 PM.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Originally Posted by hampa098 View Post
how do you make objects with no friction i would need it for a mod

friction 0
In your env_object.
Originally Posted by hampa098 View Post
i tried this before but it haven't worked
could you show me the whole code for one object please?

I just took this bit of code randomly from ultimatefreerunning.tbm, since I happen to be working on a replay using it:
env_obj 3
   color 1 1 0.9
   flag 8
   friction 0.2
   pos 28.2 -12.5 10
   shape box
   sides 3 5 0.1
As you can see, if
friction 0
doesn't work, you can always just use a very low number.
friction 0.01
i just downloaded one to test and it worked in multiplayer. Did you maybe upload different versions than the ones you have in your mods folder?
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

Originally Posted by ClockworkMonkey View Post
i just downloaded one to test and it worked in multiplayer. Did you maybe upload different versions than the ones you have in your mods folder?

Actually, that might be it... I'll delete my copies and redownload them.

EDIT: It works.

Apparently, it was because mine were named SNMP1.tbm, SNMP2.tbm, etc but when I uploaded them, they became snmp1.tbm, snmp2.tbm, etc.
So you can't use capital letters in mod names. Good to know for the future.
Last edited by supahninja; Jul 10, 2011 at 07:38 PM.