I have preper the sets i can use my shaders now cuz my video card is a big shit but if you want a send you the sets and you sell it. I prefer that Kosu make the shop cuz he is very popular on it. But like you want u decide bro. The sets that a made cost around 20k or 30k it depends you can put it in auction or idk u just tell to who send the textures.
Originally Posted by darkstate View Post
All Allies are accept

Yes he was but he decide to go out for stupid reasons he is posting in all recruiters threads in whatever clan he just wanna get posts i think.

hey man thanks for the info i will inform extreme about this and have them revote cause they really dont like clan hoppers
The Revanent
Heya Eason.
Alliance Accept, Feel free to post and so Activities in here.
And for ther clan shop,just give me the Screenshot and we will inform that if anyone interrested in the sets,PM the owner for the flat.
And who will the buyer transfer tc to?
Racon or yourself guys?
They can give us the TC and then we can send it to Clan Bank.
Also are you on your computer Kos, If so go into IRC.
Ill post the screenshot of my head in a bit.

EDIT: Here's the spinny Pic for clan shop(Seam doesn't show in-game)

Owner: MrBobcat12
Previous Owners: None
Artist: Rikka
Last edited by MrBobcat12; Jul 2, 2011 at 11:47 AM.