Original Post
idk if its just the screen shot but the image is blurry. maybe clean that up. and if u can maybe add a glow effect to the red to make it look more alive or something like that
Nice head dude! Congrats!

~user warned for useless post
Last edited by BenDover; Jul 11, 2011 at 10:16 AM.
| Undead Member | OBT | PWPI|
stay thx
yaksha in game its not that blurry its just the effect of the GIMP, GIMP doesn't map to sphere very good
Dont blame it on gimp and i dont know whats up with u 2 but get rid of the seam make the visor bigger add some light coloring on the visors add shading and a buncha other stuff i dont wanna mention but i will once u finish these changes
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
It does look a little blurry, atleast on here. I agree with Josh about making the visor bigger, and a glow effect would porbably be a nice touch.

The plates also feel like they're too flat, you might try making them pop out more.
This looks like a sketch. Not really finished.

The "visor" is much, much too high. Put it in the middle of the head.
The orange part would be a decent eye.
Get rid of the line through the middle of the front and back.

Color and shade it and it would be decent.