Belt: 4th dan black
Who, from VorteX, invited you to post this application:Rejoining not letting it die!
Time Zone:Usa: Kentucky 7:18pm :P
Avg. time spent ingame/forums per day:All day!
Why do you wish to join:Beacause i miss Vortex and i was a ass for leaving not letting it die
What might you contribute to VorteX:Full loyalty Never leaving again!!!
Telling Me About myself
Active?:in fourms Yes!! all day
Tell me about urself??:ok im 13 i love To play football Besides the points .>.>.> i will Contrubite Full loyalty To This clan i am a long lost freind And Drone im very Sorry i Betraded This clan And I will Bring other member's To apply Black belt And up and Forgive me People Of Vortex For Betraying And ian And Gavin Im comeing back and Never leaveing Im Not Letting This, Clan Die!!!! Thank You. Violentz..
Belt: 4th dan black
Who, from VorteX, invited you to post this application:Rejoining not letting it die!
Time Zone:Usa: Kentucky 7:18pm :P
Avg. time spent ingame/forums per day:All day!
Why do you wish to join:Beacause i miss Vortex and i was a ass for leaving not letting it die
What might you contribute to VorteX:Full loyalty Never leaving again!!!
Telling Me About myself
Active?:in fourms Yes!! all day
Tell me about urself??:ok im 13 i love To play football Besides the points .>.>.> i will Contrubite Full loyalty To This clan i am a long lost freind And Drone im very Sorry i Betraded This clan And I will Bring other member's To apply Black belt And up and Forgive me People Of Vortex For Betraying And ian And Gavin Im comeing back and Never leaveing Im Not Letting This, Clan Die!!!! Thank You. Violentz..
Tell me about urself??:ok im 13 i love To play football Besides the points .>.>.> i will contribute Full loyalty To This clan i am a long lost friend And Drone im very Sorry i betrayed This clan And I will Bring other member's To apply Black belt And up and Forgive me People Of Vortex For Betraying And ian And Gavin Im coming back and Never leaving Im Not Letting This, Clan Die!!!! Thank You. Violentz..