RockerLord-ElectrockeR, My brother give me that RockerLord name cuz i love rock better than everything... And later i tried to listen to electro music too and i like it ><... so that's why my name is ElectrockeR...
I have two accounts

Rafyasta = my real name
Vermass(hacked) = got that name from a ship
Last edited by Rafyasta; Jul 16, 2011 at 11:34 AM.
Yesterday was a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. - Master Oogway (Kungfu Panda)
I made my name up with my brother when I was like 7 years old my brother was 8. Got the name floop after watching spykids he was the villain. my brother has different nicknames I have been using it ever since.

Oh that and IkeIllu a name i made up one day it sounds like I kill you. Xp
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
I literally just thought of it on the spot, and it stuck.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else

Tori (Toribash)
hero (Had just beaten Guitar Hero III before I registered)
Toribash...I threatened to make a comeback last year...Never came to be. I think I need to change that this year