Christmas Lottery
Olol, that's creepy bro, don't take it too seriously though, if ghosts are real, that ghost was probably pissing itself laughing at the way you were so scared. I know that's what I'd do if I was a ghost.
Tint is sex.
Originally Posted by PinkwafflesFTW View Post

Im scared.

It was 11:56 or something close to that at night.My brother told me to lead him up stairs cuz he gets scared in the dark. As soon as he went got into his bed he fell asleep.I started posting stuff and then i got bored. I got out of my bed and went to my door.I left it slighty open because if its close and i open it it makes a huge sqeaky noise. So as i went toward the doorknob the door sqeaked :S. I went back into my bad because i have seen to many scary movies to know what happens when you open a door and then some scary thing pops out. Then i went to open the door again and i squeaked again :S.Thats when i went to bed and started writing this. :S

maybe your little brother was playing a joke on you. although this does remind me of this one time something related to that happened to me.

I was on the computer then I heard this weird closing sound. It came from my kitchen so I got pretty scared. Then I heard footsteps. Thats the time when I was about to call 911. I thought someone was robbing me or something like that. I went to the top of my stairs and yelled out "Hello?". I didnt hear anything so I went downstairs and investigated. After finding that no one was around the are, I just left it go. Probably not the smartest thing to do. I went to go use the bathroom and as soon as I got up, my bathroom door closes shut. I litterally pissed my self and I just stayed on my chair paralyzed in fear of what I just saw. There was no wind blowing and all of my windows were closed. It actually turned out to just be my cat who accidentally closed her self in the bathroom playing with a towel hanging on the door. I still dont know what I heard below me though. That does still scare me because I dont know if someone was robbing me or what but if it was a robber, they didnt steal anything.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Scariest time:
When I was suspended and I didn't tell my parents about it.
Then they found out when we went to the mall due to a bad luck of finding the school secretary there.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Well this one time this crazy old man tried to strangle me after I called his wife a bitch.

I could've fucking taken him if his wife didn't pull him away from me.

I was shaking for a little while afterwards, but I was only scared because I was fairly certain he had a gun somewhere in his house.
Last edited by up2u; Jul 20, 2011 at 09:50 PM.
My friend chased me through the house with a tire iron... They were just joking around, but at the time I thought they really wanted to beat me with it...
Big Bang Theory: In the beginning there was nothing....which exploded... Creationists: If everyone shares the same imaginary friend, he must be real...
You both sound ridiculous so stop arguing...
When my mother gave birth to me, I was scared to death. I pissed myself and started screaming.
Scary shit, right there.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Must of been one hell of an experience Uric.

On another note, two of scariest times in my life:
1. Seeing my sister after about 3 months of not taking meds trying to attempt to kill herself.
2. Was out drunk one night with some mates, got chased by some guys in a car. Pretty much we all got split up after about an hour we met up before getting in a fight at like 3am with these guys. Pretty much they were more wasted than we were and we took advantage of our hand eye co-ordination.
Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
maybe your little brother was playing a joke on you. although this does remind me of this one time something related to that happened to me.

My bro is to stupid to play jokes on me