View Poll Results: Change Name clan.
11 Votes / 37.93%
9 Votes / 31.03%
5 Votes / 17.24%
4 Votes / 13.79%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Originally Posted by nicoolasw View Post
Name how in real life like in-game:Nicolas. but people call me Nico
Belt: Black belt
Active in game: I play 4 or 5 hours in a day..
Active in forums: Its 6/10
Why do you want to join?:Because latinsSknae and Figh are my friends And this would be my first clan
With what you can help?: In Clan Wars.. Im reaaly good a AB
Do you make art/replays..?:Yes.. Some replays..
2 or 3 replays

Solo replays tuyas. Bionica no tiene que ver nada vos, bueno, se que tu otra cuenta pero solo con nicoolasw.

Replays only yours. Bionica has nothing to do with you, well, that is your other account but only with nicoolasw.
Originally Posted by watersurf View Post
Boy! he's a member -1000 points lost! so its a no pal


Btw, i am the Co-leader e.e
Disculpa, pero todavia no estoy en la lsita de members.. eso se puede arreglar? xd
Sorry, but I'm not in the list of Members .. this can be fixed? xD
Izetha eso le corresponde a dark tiene que editar para que aparescas y que pasa nadie espera mi voto?soy el lider y voy a hablar con opt -.-
Izetha that belongs to dark you have to edit so that you appear and passing one expects my vote? am the leader and I'll talk to opt -.-
Welcome all new members
Originally Posted by watersurf View Post
Accept allies also, uh no for the app above.


allies accept orders belongs to the founder, leader, co leader . you're a member but do not forget
Originally Posted by nicoolasw View Post
Name how in real life like in-game:Nicolas. but people call me Nico
Belt: Black belt
Active in game: I play 4 or 5 hours in a day..
Active in forums: Its 6/10
Why do you want to join?:Because latinsSknae and Figh are my friends And this would be my first clan
With what you can help?: In Clan Wars.. Im reaaly good a AB
Do you make art/replays..?:Yes.. Some replays..
2 or 3 replays

Welcome new member. you have to be more active in the forum and not give bad image to the clan
sent the invitation to the clan
Last edited by DarkScorpion; Jul 22, 2011 at 07:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.