Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Requesting a simple Gaia color headtexture
Simple Gaia head with a face like this? res 512x512
Last edited by PurplePinata; Jul 26, 2011 at 11:51 AM.
I might do it :3

How much your willing to pay? ^^
"B U R A K K U W A I T O A A M A A"
- B l a c k | W h i t e | A r m o r -
This might be a bit more than you asked for, but I thought I'd offer it since it fits the color scheme. I could sell it to you for 10k. Originally made by me for a CW clan art competition. Never before offered for sale, unique 512x512 resolution. Fractal manipulation based on the three-headed Indian god Shiva.