Hunter blood 15k
Hunter timer 6k
Ivory blood 2.5k
Full maya 23k
Full helios 15k
Full beetle 15k
Full crimson 19k
Thanks for attention
I'm about to go, if you accept an offer please submit the tc
Last edited by DarkScorpion; Aug 2, 2011 at 08:57 PM.
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.

all this for 6500 TC? or the 3 textures for 5750 TC?

Head Texture
right leg texture
right thigh texture
chronos force
chronos relax
chronos torso
chronos blood
chronos timer
chronos primary gradient
chronos secondary gradient
chronos left hand motion trail
how did you get that much Tc and also my friend is selling his full gladiator , ur buying that and for how much??