Original Post
[S] My collection of texture sets.

No recolour or resize.
The size is 128
Creator = Szabi11.
Bough from SpaceInvader.
Only accepting TC as payment.

No recolour or resize.
The size is 512
Creator = AirGoof.
I bought this set too long ago to remember who I got it from.
Only accepting TC as payment.

No recolour or resize.
The size is 512
Creator = War as far as I know.
I bought this set too long ago to remember who I got it from.
Only accepting TC as payment.

No recolour or resize.
The size is 512
Creator = Razasha
I bought this set from Razasha.
Alternate information. Triceps and biceps have the same faces on them but can not be seen on the previews.
Only accepting TC as payment.

No recolour or resize.
The size is 512
Creator = Not sure
I bought this set too long ago to remember who I got it from.
Only accepting TC as payment.

No recolour or resize.
The size is 512
Creator = StopMePlz
I bought this set from StopMePlz.
Only accepting TC as payment.

No recolour or resize.
The size is 512
Creator = Psytrance
I bought this set from Psytrance.
Only accepting TC as payment.