Clan wars purposal
Hello DAT members.
I am speacking for the clan [Freelance] when I say, we would like to have a clan wars with you guys, [DAT]. To get the clear to start off with, I would like this to be friendly war. Just somthing fun to do between us fellow clans.
I hld a vote to see who in our clan wanted to have a clan wars either war, or friendly. Every one wanted to, and you guys were chossen by a majority of the people. We didn't even need to hold a vote for it.
You can accept or decline. It is your choice. If you choose to decline, no hard feelings go out,and we will try and find another clan. If you accept, then I hope to have a fun comp between us in the near future.
Here is the Freelancethread about the clan wars if you are interested. I started talking about more important stuff on page 2.
Feel free to take some time and think about your choice. Take a week to hold a vote or what ever you have to do, then have your Leader PM me.
I am not used to checking other peoples forums, soI might forget about this thread, so please make sure its PMed and not hjust posted in here.
We are awaiting your response.
Thank you for your time: