View Poll Results: How fast do you type?
3 Votes / 3.61%
15 Votes / 18.07%
20 Votes / 24.10%
45 Votes / 54.22%
Voters: 83. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Here, I redid it.

You type 449 characters per minute
You have 71 correct words and
you have 8 wrong words
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
You type 917 characters per minute
You have 1 correct words and
you have 298 wrong words
:P Im totally pro
You type 223 characters per minute
You have 38 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
Im not fast, but I don't make any mistakes anyways.
You type 452 characters per minute
You have 78 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
You type 598 characters per minute
You have 132 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
hehh.. ^^

You type 673 characters per minute
You have 152 correct words and
you have 4 wrong words
Last edited by cupa97; Aug 21, 2011 at 12:03 AM.
You type 900000000000000000 characters per minute
You have ? correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
I sneezed and hit my head on my keyboard,
You type 1014 characters per minute
214 correct words and
you have 17 wrong words.
Former Toribasher. Never any good though.
Rest in peace Tint.
I didnt do this test, because we do one of these at school every week. I type 80 wpm on average.
<Bubbyzane> As a 16 year old, Canadian, cKy fan, and a gamer, I can honestly say I know the exact definition of cool.