Since Eee and shiz isnt getting kicked out and he's inactive I suppose there should be an 'inactive mambers' section in the member list. and that's where few others would probly go. hm? also be removed as a moderator for the time of inactiveness or smthin
Me Gusta
we have a bank and I'm the only one in control of it until I completely resign.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Originally Posted by lumpysolo View Post


and i think we could have some ingame meetings and such, i've been on mp quite often and im missing seeing the [Pure] tag held with prestige.
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Originally Posted by Unverified View Post
Since Eee and shiz isnt getting kicked out and he's inactive I suppose there should be an 'inactive mambers' section in the member list. and that's where few others would probly go. hm? also be removed as a moderator for the time of inactiveness or smthin

Nooooooooooooooo i don't want be kicked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers