Originally Posted by
Ishi, I swear I had nothing to do with it, I will ask Flubbah and s0th about it but we did have a guy who knew our password and stuffed up our server before.
EDIT: I know me flubbah and s0th wouldn't do such a thing and i was on the server last night when flubbah and s0th went to sleep and it was fine and we were at school and its blocked multiplayer their so it couldn't be us!
Hey, I would like to tell you that I know the pass to the server. I didn't know it was the S2K server, it said SXC. So I changed the mode around a bit, but the only things I changed it to was leftknife and instagibfeet. No pharm modes, I didn't do it, I swear. I also didn't do the MOTD or the name, only changed the turnframes, matchframes, and mod.
MD, JumalanKasi, and GynX all know the pass. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I didn't know it was S2K server. Forgive me. I won't change anything anymore.