hello io am forever135 and iam a black belt
i think i am very happy with my skill in the game i think i am very skilled for a beginner sorta and one of my friends in your clan said i picked up quickly
i would like to join this clan cuz there are a lot of my friends in this clan and the people in this clan are very skilled and awesome and i hope to be as awesome as u guys lol
favorite and official mods are judo any types of wusho and any types of aikido
i am sorry but i have no special skills outside of actually playing this game
i do not have a previous clan and my favorite forum is forums that i can post on lol jk my favorite forum is clan forums
i do have an alternate account called david235 that is my kinda messin round count at my dads house
i do not feal comforable giving u any information bout where i live except that i live in USA
i do not have a high activity of forum posts because i would rather just play the game lol
lastly i do not know what an infraction is sorry
i hope u guys at least consider this post and thank u guys if u do peace
RjGleb: No, sorry

Forever135: Meh, you seem like a nice person but I don't like how you don't get on the forums too often...
Also you didn't post any replays...

I'll decide after I see the replays
@RjGleb : Nope.Not really sure how you thought another answer was possible.
@forever135 : No.We need people to be active on the forum as well,and you haven't uploaded replays.Your complete lack of grammar and punctuation doesn't impress me.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
who are your friends in this clan? and LT i think that if he is active and good ingame, we could let that forum activity be considering that he spent a bit time with that app.. and just tell me if you dont want me to post with this account
Age: 12
Belt (Minimum Black): Black
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? :Yes
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth):Because I want to Repesent A good clan
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : No
Favorite/Best Official Mod:Akido
Special skills (Can't include ingame skills.Can include Movie Making, Art and Textures, Dancing, etc.)ancing,Art
Examples of that skill(at least 2 would be nice):I move around like crazy with diffrent combos.I can create about anytype of heads
Previous Clans(if any):None
Favorite Forum(if any):None
Organizations Affiliated With(if any):None
Do you have an alternate account,and if so,what is it ?( we don't allow multi-clanning) : None
Location: Santa Maria
Forum Activity:Not much
Number of Posts (minimum of 80):None
Number of Infractions:0
@forever135, no i dident like the app, it was not filled out properly.
@sgtdemon, post the replays then ill give my answer.
well sgtdemons app is filled properly then? HOW happy are with your skill in game: YES
and all other answers really short too... he didnt care what would that app look like..

forever instead spent time with it (i suppose) and i think that its a good thing.. but if you guys dont want him its the same for me
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
@sgtdemon75 : Please fill the app properly.Examples of your skills still can't include any of your abilities ingame.Like 2pro said,yes is not a valid answer to how happy you are with your skill.If the question were "Are you happy with your level of skill?" , it'd be a different story.Also,replays.

To any future applicants : The first post in this page is crystal clear on what you need to do in order to improve your chances of joining this clan.Read all of it , do as it says and that shows us that you have the brainpower needed to be one of us.It's not that hard.Really.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
wow LT font size 30 or soething!? XD well yeah thats true... I think that all members should check that again too to know whats supposed to be in the app and what not
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]