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[TEX]Robo head "Ozone"
Hello. This is my first serious robot head, I've had other sketches before though. But this is the first one that I've pen-tooled, colored, shaded, etc. I think it has come out VERY good, and it's a quality head with smooth edges. Also, I think the colors have been chosen quite well, and the overall design is nice. But, I don't think it is completely finished, I don't like the lower sides, it doesn't quite fit, and perhaps it needs some more detail, for example in the front white thing where the "mouth" should be. But I personally think it's fine as it is, but I'll add something anyway. So please, give me your opinions and criticize. kgo. Oh, and I don't know why I called it Ozone. :3 OH, and tell me how much you think it could cost, in its current state?
Last edited by Phillip; Aug 29, 2011 at 02:31 AM.
the eye looks separate from the white part of the head, and i don't like the right and left side shape, maybe... 5k
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
Got any questions ? Throw me a PM or just mention @toriabiz on Twitter
Cool head very cool eyes but u could add maouth and more thing in the back of the head 9/10
[B]512X512 head texture 19k and less, PM me if you selling one.
Your style seems solid but I think for a robot head it needs more detail. Get some gears up in there or something.
meap rocks
Good head!!! But I do agree with toriabiz, the eyes do seem too prominent... I also think there should be a little bit more stuff in the head... It would be an amazing head if you edited it!!! :3
Looks nice and clean.
But the eyes are serious mindfuckers.
From the shading, it appears they're above the white, but below the black.
Yet, the white appears above the black..
So, fix the shading on the eyes.
Don't read this.
I think it looks pretty decent for a WIP.

you should bring the eyes in closer, it'd look better

It would probobly work pretty nicely with this


Quite often the mouth is the hardest part of the head so I'm wondering how that'll come into play and maybe provide a WIP for the back of the head because you could probably put the buyers name in there or across the back it would look nice.

At it's current state i would pay approx 5k-10k

7/10 needs some work but obviously it's not finished.
Good work.


EDIT: Will you be selling this when it's done?
It looks like marvin the robot off of hitchhikers guild to the galaxy
Just a guy that loves speed and adventure.. I'm Bleuigen