Originally Posted by lordtiger View Post
I find it impossible for so many videomakers to try to win an award of 200 tc,when they could be working on much more profitable vids.You'll find it extremely hard to convince me there is such a measly reward.Anyway,win it,and then your account history will do the talking.And everybody here would be happy.Simple.

Would you poop yourself if I did convince you? =)
lol you guys are halarious .

So is there any updates on the clan vid ? Im still trying to get some one to tak a screen shot of one of the atmosphere scripts so I can finish the banner . Is anyone here able to do this ? My computer isnt very good so i cant unfortunatly .
Guys look at this clan vid

Now we need a clan video as cool as this , should we just hire a vid maker or do we have some one willing to make one in the clan ? Seriously guys lol , we need a vid !
Last edited by TRichard21; Sep 2, 2011 at 07:52 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
2pro: fine deal >=)

Trichard: why don't we just hire Oracul? =D
Last edited by Vate; Sep 3, 2011 at 02:42 AM.