What is your name in real life: Tony Mourier
What is your name in-game: CrashTests
How many time do you spend in-game: Alot , always online and ready to fight =)
how many time do you spend in-forums: I'm always connected , looking for new post or others ...
What is your belt: ( it really afect your possibilities to be in [PsY]) Hmm i'm Brown Belt
What is you best mod: ( Just one no more ) Aikido , of course :3
Tell us about your knows in-game Always play in relax , try to make realistic move and boomhit , never insult or flood =)
Tell us about your knows in forums Don't insult or flood , be cool with other players =)
Why do you wanna join? ( you have to write more than 30 words ) I want to join because lots of player said PsY is a good clan , with cool players who like vanilla , like me
Why do we have to accept you? ( you have to write more than 20 words): Cuz i'm a good player (test me :P) who won the replay contest in [BLEU] , who can eat vanilla ice cream and play toribash at the same time
Do you have any extra skill? ( we mean like art or video maker, replays maker there are more like experience in forums , etc):I can teach Aikido and realistic moves =)
Show us your examples of your skills: Gonna post replays
WHat is you GMT:+0
How many time do you spen on IRC: hmm not a lot but i can
Show us 3 single player replays and 3 multiplayer replays ( the multiplayer replays have to be in your best mode ):Of course =)
With what you can help the clan? ( nothing stupid like "with my skill in-game" or "with donations": I can help member , teach some tips'n'trick in running , aikido , or realistic spare
What is the most important comand on IRC: /kickass :3
What is the most important comand in-game: Hmm /mute