Originally Posted by xfoxyx View Post
nice sig(or avy)ser0 feeh make it to you right? and fuck yeah for the 300post of lolman xD

mm nop i made it
Wanted to ask:
why is the offtopic thread at the important threads and the rules thread not? rules should be good seen also the member list...
just wanted to ask...
also the music thread should also go down....
these are just ome ideas of format i have
| Proud Member of [X] | Aikido | Self-Presentation-Video |

Sorry for the delay but welcome HackXIt!
But where do we go; When our eyes catch fire by satellite; How do we know; That this love won't hurt like cyanide
i meet my twin and im sow happy we dont know how it happend but we both have the same set and we are glad for it DDDDD i have a twin

i played with him all night (elate) he gave me 3.5k and all we are good friends now =D