Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[6k] Abstract Colorfulness Head Request!
col·or·ful (klr-fl)
1. Full of color; abounding in colors.
2. Characterized by rich variety; vividly distinctive.

You shall post 2 versions of the head:
- the first one should fit dragon and pharos
- the second one should fit dragon and toxic

That's what i am looking for. You are free to experiment anything you want, the head can have mouth, eyes, or just be an explosion of lines and colors.
Remember that an abstract head quickly made is usually horrible, so take your time, i want high quality works.
You got it with the abstract, but i was thinking about a more complex and detailed design, and, the head must fit the 2 colors, but it doesn't mean that u only have to use those colors.
Originally Posted by maldiluna View Post
Yes, they are nice, but i don't think they are worth 6k

Would be much more productive if you say what they need to be worth 6k.
DoN't FoRgEt tO VisiT mY LiTTle HeaDShoP:
Edark's ToY ArT HeAdShOp

Hey, and watch all my work at Edark's Gallery

Last edited by Pa360uHuk; Jun 11, 2008 at 04:46 PM.
I used to be a toribash player like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee...