Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by ToriTroll View Post
I will watch the play later when I can stay awake for 7 minutes. I am tired x.x.

Here you go Math. A random webcam pic.

Ghm try to forgive me for the horrible photoshop job. I did it in approximately 1m 20s

Why you said my name? >:
i'm really bad at art. lol
Bad just like...


Hello Oners. Wassup?
I'll post pictrues right now, wait a sec guyzes.
Edit: Fuck.... I can't find my camera D:
Last edited by Focz; Sep 18, 2011 at 08:33 PM.
In my house(where else lol), but my lilttle brother broke the pc :(

So I'm on my father's iPhone4 :s.