Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Selling pure trail/ set
k so i have a full set or you can purchase each one sepratley

each trail goes for 5k cuz u guys dont have the qi
How did you get said trails if you don't have the QI?
Hi. I used to be a damn good mod (wayback 2008 and earlier) and then veb made me not a mod.
Been playing competitive Team Fortress 2.
How do you possibly think that alerting the community and eventually mods/admins that you have an item you shouldn't have the Qi for yet is a good idea?
tons of people have pure demon and elf items, under the qi requirement
you ask an admin and there like ya shure thar you go

/Don't bother admins over such things. Go earn them yourself. ~HebrewHamr
Last edited by Hamr; Jun 11, 2008 at 04:51 AM.
the god
As far as i know only two or three have demon trails, and most people have elf left or right leg because it had no qi for like an hour. As for pure, none of the qi mistakes happened with it. Theres no reason he should have them.
im saying thats what people do
also he bought those items in the toriexchange because they werent locked.
the god