just a fast question, since I am interested in the topic but don't have the time to find all the info I need.
What kind of decay did they use to make neutrinos?
can they measure the neutrino properties like spin and flavor? or do they just calculate them based on the products they can measure after the nuclear reaction?
what I am going with this is: are the neutrinos that came faster, the same ones they fired?

EDIT: ok a read a part
Originally Posted by bbc
The Cern team prepares a beam of just one type, muon neutrinos, and sends them through the Earth to an underground laboratory at Gran Sasso in Italy to see how many show up as a different type, tau neutrinos.

so do only tau show up faster or all of them?
they change in the travel? cant they transform only if they interact with something?

EDIT2: found this just now

Originally Posted by ftl
No tachyons have definitely been found and most physicists doubt their existence. There has been a claim that experiments to measure neutrino mass in tritium beta decay indicated that the neutrinos were tachyonic. ; while this is very doubtful, it is not entirely ruled out. Tachyon theories have problems because, apart from the possibility of causality violations, they destabilise the vacuum. It may be possible to get around such difficulties—but then we would not be able to use tachyons for the kind of FTL communication that we would like.


possible explanation of the results, if the T beta decay was used to make neutrinos, or even neutrinos can spontaneously transform from one flavor to another emitting tachyons or absorbing them (if tachyons do exist ofc ).Or as they travel and lose energy they convert to tachyons (just a different form of neutrinos with formally negative mass), tachyons continue to lose energy gaining speed (if this continued they should be able to escape the experiment) but they also cause vacuum disturbances and in the cern instrument they might spontaneously convert to neutrinos and get detected (for the small amount they were tachyons the were ftl and so they came faster).

NOTE: I have no degree in physics and I studied it only on a basic level, so this is only low level speculation based on what I read on the matter in the last few days. I am just interested to see your opinions. Also I lake to make plausible theories (or at least they sound plausible to me because of my limited knowledge in the filed) about anything that interests me.

EDIT3: and this

Originally Posted by ftl
The bottom line is that you can't use tachyons to send information faster than the speed of light from one place to another. Doing so would require creating a message encoded some way in a localized tachyon field, and sending it off at superluminal speed toward the intended receiver. But as we have seen you can't have it both ways: localized tachyon disturbances are subluminal and superluminal disturbances are nonlocalquote=ftl]

see source for the equation

so even if tachyons do exist they wouldn't allow us to send information faster than light (at least the current physics laws do not permit it). They are just like shadow

Nothing in the universe can travel at the speed of light, they say, forgetful of the shadow's speed. ~Howard Nemerov

EDIT4: not very much related but very interesting read, about the speed of gravity. Till today I never went further on the topic than the Newtonian model in which gravity acted instantly.

event tho they can not do it in a lab, they use cosmological observations.
Last edited by missuse; Sep 30, 2011 at 12:25 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me
I don't really belive of that.
Where is the proof, did they show anyting to us ?
It's been pretty long... How are all of you? Meet me ingame.
It's impossible for objects of significant mass (read: anything bigger than a subatomic particle) to reach the speed of light. The end.

Dalliance Moderated Message:
It'd be mighty great if you could provide some sort of evidence for your claims
Last edited by Dalliance; Oct 2, 2011 at 03:45 AM.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Originally Posted by TomTeg50 View Post
I don't really belive of that.
Where is the proof, did they show anyting to us ?

The experiment outlined in the first post that has been measured 16000 times to the same result and that is currently being analysed by the scientific community to confirm its validity.
If this is possible and true, then I believe many more science related questions and answers will be made.

For example the theory of teleportation may just be atoms arranged and rearranged traveling at the speed of light.

Or the other theory (can't remember its name) which makes end points closer. For example, in einstein's theory the quickest and shortest path is a straight line is it not? The theory I'm talking about is closely related to teleportation but instead it brings endpoints closer together by bending space. Think of it as an ant walking along a straight string. It will take time for the ant to make it across the string. However if the ends of the string are brought together then the ant can simply reach for the other side. What's the name of this theory again?

Anyways back in topic. If this is true, many other scientific doors will open up. (p.s.) forgive the grammar I was on my phone when I posted this......
Last edited by DeathNoteX; Oct 2, 2011 at 06:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
☼Extreme til the end☼
Kam | Tsukiomi l Pickaxecut l BamBam69 l Linkhunter l Cozzakill | DjPz
wat does this have to do with anthing
But really they are trying to get a jet propelled car to do that
Last edited by Uhhwat; Oct 16, 2011 at 02:25 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I would say that i think the speed of light are formed by nanoseconds

Vox Moderated Message:
This is a useless post, do not make useless posts.
Last edited by Vox; Oct 18, 2011 at 12:34 PM.
A measurement inaccuracy of 6 feet would account for the time difference, which is entirely possible considering the 2 million or so feet that the distance is.

Wait for confirmation from another lab, until then assume it is an error.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Speed of light exceeded...Huh.

My friend said that if a marshmallow would've hit the earth going slightly faster than the speed of light, it's impact on earth would create an explosion of about ~26 hydrogen bombs.
Yeah, a freakin' marshmallow.

But, the OP's article and the marshmallow intrigues me, I've always figured that anything going faster than the speed of light would turn into light, because it'd be going so fast it's molecules would disintegrate something like that.
I'm coming back with a vengeance!
I'm not sure if your friend has a freakin' Ph.D in physics or whatever but what you said about the object turning into light is kind of strange. That's because no object can exceed its max velocity, unless you create a shitload of negative energy around it so that you can literally move the fabric of time-space around you and fluctuate it so you literally propelled by the universe in a way. This is really the only chance we have at moving at the speed of light, and it's not even literally us moving at the speed of light. We're staying still, we're just moving the entire universe around us.
(Insert some form of an animation or a slightly wise and/or satyrical statement here)