Grade: 8
How many friends did you make?: Most of the boys in year 8
Popularity?(cool with everyone): Most people in year 8 know me and half the people are friends with me.
Grades?: 15 A's 15 B's 2 C's. This is my mid-term report card and probably the best thing I'll show my parents.
Sports/Clubs?: None, but I go to the gym to work out at lunch.
How are the teachers: I don't have a problem with most of them.
Anything you want to add?: I never had a real girlfriend. :3 I am shy at talking with girls.
Note: I am not gay, I get turned on every few minutes by sexual fantasies with girls and I masturbate an average of 2-5 times a day.
Last edited by Dose; Oct 1, 2011 at 04:12 PM.