Original Post
Deep Web: World of illegality or cave of knowledge
If you are not aware of what the deep web is, there will be no briefing. I don't want anyone without sufficient knowledge of it to post.

With the activities that occur in the hidden abyss, is there anything to be found in there that actually has value? The deep web contains over 84% of the actual internet, and is entirely uncharted territory. In this 84%, can anything be considered truly useful, as in knowledge-wise? Here I was thinking I was the big fish in the pond, and bam, the knowledge of its existence hits me.

I'm honestly afraid of finding out for myself, so I want to ask someone more experienced on the topic.

Why is the entirety of it uncharted?

Why has no search engine ever made the attempts to go beyond the surface internet.
It's unchartered because it's stuff that no one gives a shit about. Explore it all you want. Unless you are really determined (i.e. you've found out beforehand how to find it) you aren't going to stumble across child porn, snuff movies etc. It's massively overhyped and you'll find more interesting material on Usenet.
Hey guys, lets discuss this thing, but I'm not going to tell you about it so it can seem all mysterious!
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH