Erm, Can I join here? I'm mates with Gamer4200.... We used to run a clan together back in the day!! Ask him about my mad skills, let me know!!
I'm Ricky
Master Belt
No history
Revolution & MMA
All my replays worth keeping I didn't keep xD
About me: I'm a toribasher!! Been in the game since it started pretty much, had a clan called Revolution with Andyson776 then one called MMA with Gamer4200. Left the game for a bit when I hit master belt, but now I'm back and not so bored of the game anymore!!
Assets: I just gave about 20million TC worth of items to Gamer xD
teague what about the Xymo double clan applying that ejm pointed out and denied?... Thats what I am not getting here. he denied her already man Not saying that you cannot overule him but he is kind of right. Isn't he?
UNDEAD he's just having some fun with her lol (you can tell by his adult humor =P) although teage she's really 15 o.o so back of pedo!!
/ontopic Cowellr Bg check is doing it's thang now =o