Original Post
Socado1 - New replay!!
I did this, in my opnion is very cool!
But i want your opinion too!

Ps: Don't ask wtf i put the replay name "ViVi", i just put "Socado -" then a random name after it lol
Attached Files
Socado - ViVi.rpl (63.1 KB, 23 views)
Your twitchy, YOUR WAY too stiff. The opener was pretty bad. don't contract leg and extend it to kick, expescially in realism. It looks retarted kicking that way. The yeplay is not realistic. i don't like how you didn't use your body momentum to make stronger hits. your head almost touched the ground. In fact it actually did.
don't keep yourself in a postion very look unless your pose, it look stiff.
The whole replay is upsidedown.
You coud have made an easy pose on your feet, you decided to contract yuor hip and repax for knee instead.
Don't use your arm you help yourself up.
Or just just make it look you you didn't (that what i do :P)
The pose was not great.
why did you know keep a standing pose?
Your movements were extremely twitchy and stiff toward the end.
In the end you coud have done a stylish walk or a run. Or you coud have crouch and did a spinning jump back over to uke and make a madmen.
I'm too lazy to say the rest.
The replay was ok, but you were kinda stiff. You should've sticked your landing earlier, instead of keeping on moving. Move on your fluidness, then you'll get a good flow going. Your replay was kinda stiff, so try making it more relaxed.

Termic6: He just started replaymaking. Don't be so hard on him ^^
Tell him some things he can work on, instead of just critizising his replays. CnC is for helping people. Not for telling them how bad they are.

Keep on working. You're not as bad as Termic says.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

Termic6, you say like i am on replay making for like 60 years, i started it 1 month ago, don't be so hard on me, also thanks ferras will try to improve in that