Christmas Lottery
So sorry guys. I know I just came back but, I've made some new friends in Phantom and I'm sorry to say this but I'm leaving UNCE for Phantom.

It was a great stay here but everyones gone. UNCE isn't as fun as when not everyone left. Bye.
| Knbl.on.TB |
Proud member of Sigma. Proud congregator of BnW.
Dnag... bye. Oh and schecz I'm still on vacation (and having fun) but I have managed to find a friend with a computer who downloaded ToriBash and we log in and play here he's Smashfan1 and sometimes when you see him on the servers I'll be watching. Thanks to him I have been able to access the forums and stuff so even though I'll be inactive on the servers I'm still going to be active enough on the forums See you guys around!
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
Nice, you must be really friendly in real life.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.