I'd just like to point out how this has gone horribly off-topic and has turned into a "NU, I'M STRONGAR THAN U" thread.
»You just wasted 5 seconds of your life. Congratulations!«
[m] - 2/29/2008 - Never Forget
Im not pointing any fingers but some of this just cannot be allowed

What's so wrong about eating yourself to death?
The thing that's wrong about eating yourself to death is that our population in the world will decrease even faster then.
Oh, and don't mind the name :P it's just a nickname.
Last edited by flubbah; Jun 16, 2008 at 08:39 AM.
It makes me wonder..
The thing that's wrong about eating yourself to death is that our population in the world will decrease even faster then.

world population ain't decreasing, it's doing the opposite pretty fast.
Originally Posted by Dutch (black lagoon)
My head's not torn off... My sunglasses aren't broken... Amen Halleluja, peanut butter

Originally Posted by Samule View Post
You really can't speak for a whole nation like that.
Check here. "According to the 2004 CCHS, 23.1% of Canadians aged 18 or older, an estimated 5.5 million adults, had a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, indicating that they were obese. The percentage of Canadians who are overweight or obese has risen dramatically in recent years, mirroring a worldwide phenomenon."

come to Canada and then go to the states you will see the difference
and my mom is 51 she runs marathons my dad is 57 he runs half marathons
a guy I know who is something like 72 did the Iron Man triatholon
Originally Posted by RiseAgainst View Post
come to Canada and then go to the states you will see the difference
and my mom is 51 she runs marathons my dad is 57 he runs half marathons
a guy I know who is something like 72 did the Iron Man triatholon

I think you should try and look at the whole of Canada, not just your community. It would be like saying this...

»You just wasted 5 seconds of your life. Congratulations!«
[m] - 2/29/2008 - Never Forget
Originally Posted by Jok View Post
...anerexant? Is that even close to a word? Seriously.

Also, most girls aren't really anorexic, they just follow the lead of the 'top-models' who are actually bulimic.

<.< i wiki'd it because i wasn't sure how to spell that and for some reason that's what came up

Originally Posted by Scarvin View Post
Has anyone happen to recall the movie "Supersize me"?

i remember that he only ate mcdonalds for 30 or so days
anyway this isn't a LOL IM FAT NUT UNDERWIEGHT SHIZ thread :/ the title just for some reason isn't going very well with the thread purpose
Last edited by ravenger; Jun 16, 2008 at 03:05 PM.