Secret Santa 2024
I have the third-most posts in Free Chat .

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature
My dad and sister bought a new iPad for us and Im using it right now to post this.

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature
sorry guys for beeing a bit inactive at the moment, school is busting hard these days.
got alot of difficult exams I have to learn for <.<
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
sorry guys for beeing a bit inactive at the moment, school is busting hard these days.
got alot of difficult exams I have to learn for <.<

SHIT thanks you reminded me!
I gotta use my Maths GSCE revision disc and revise about Histograms, I don't understand any of that shit :P
Thanks, its total nonsense to me. I did something along the lines of
2x + 7y =21 (1)
3x + 3y = 45 (2)
and I had to figure out how much 1x is worth and 3x is worth.
Man it takes the piss :P