Hello people, nice clan you have here. Dose invited me btw.
-Real Name: Everyone calls me T.
-Age: 14
-Date of Birth: 5/10/1997
-GMT: b-7 arizona time
-Sex: Male I guess :/
-PlayerCard: My new laptop won't let me use tinypic, idk why. (it is a fixable problem though
-What chat network do you use (optional) Skype, which I hate. (name is: zayex-aka-t-vanilla-and-lexi)
-Make a userbar on : Userbar.com : says domain is forsale.
-Are you Irc active: Somehwat
-Why you want to join: I have been clanless for a while, and this seems like a pretty cool clan, I think it would be cool to get to know it better; and get to know the people better aswell.
-Why should we accept you: If you all think "itz zeyak ahaheuhsuea he suck lawlrofl" then don't accept me.
I'm not trying to be some redundant troll anymore, I'm trying to contribute to the forum. I can contribute to the clan in any way except art and tc giving; I'm not an ingame noob, but I haven't played for a while, and don't like playing since suo seized my inventory; but I'll play again when needed to.
Dose said I could use the generic app, but I will also add: I'm 1st dan black belt ingame (and irl, heheh.)