Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by psycore View Post
5. And how does a atomic bomb depend on splitting photons?

I'm not even sure if you were just trolling.

i think he means atoms rather then photons.

just a way to do it in a household while still being safe.

with atomic bombs it happens on a much much much larger scale ofcourse.
still, when splitting atoms you get an... intresting reaction of it.

anyhow, to get back on topic.

even IF they have particles that are going faster then light, i doubt it will be going back in time. i suspect its going to the future since the current laws of physics does not allow backwards time travel.

however, seeing as einsteins laws are smashed (if the particles actually ARE going faster) then we might be able to change history. litterly.

/evil laugh
I know how a atomic bomb works...

Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post
actually they forgot to account for relativity. they were using gps satelites and because they are in a different time frame the margin of error went up exactly 60 nanoseconds.

Now they are within the margin of error and this is beginning to look less and less credible.

before someone starts complaining: explained here.

The physicist van Elburg says: "From the perspective of the clock, the detector is moving towards the source and consequently the distance travelled by the particles as observed from the clock is shorter."

CERN scientist thought of the GPS clocks as if they were on ground. But because they are not and because of length contraction van Elburg assumes that the measured distance is shorter. Calculating that in the measured time is 64 ns too short.
Signature temporarily out of order.