Secret Santa 2024
Thorn: regular rifle is the shit. All the headshots
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Anybody else feel like the shotgun is a load of crap? Seriously, that gun has almost no use that a smg can't cover better.

And yes, the rifle is the shit. Took out 7 of the 9 players on an enemy team in like 5 seconds with that bad boy.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
SMG is the best for those with horrible aim like me, I still manage to kill a few people if I may say so myself.

A few aka half of a team in half a minute.
Me and Alan were playing in Goon Haven #2, and some miraculous shit happened.

Our team was doing pretty bad. Me and Alan were doing our best to build fortifications on the main path and bolster our defenses, with me building and Alan defending, but our efforts were ultimately in vain. We decided that the only way to beat the greens and get their intel and shit was to hit them from the side. And we did. Hard. At first, it was only us and another person who decided to join our squad. Together, we walked a long ways to a side path that connected to the enemy fort. We killed everyone at the path, and set up a base at the end of the path. Alan stayed there, to make sure we could be revived near him. We got more and more people to join our squad and attack the side of the fort, and with the help of a bunch of other players, we slowly began to advance across the path. As we fought our way through the enemies, we would set up bunkers to mark our progress and defend what we had already taken. It was a battle of epic proportions, trust me. All of us were constantly repairing structures and trying to build more bunkers to advance, and people were dying left and right.

With me heading the assault and Alan making sure we didn't respawn all the way back at base, we made fantastic progress.

Unfortunately, we never got to finish. Despite our success, time eventually ran out and we changed maps. But our progress was worth this tale.

Also, together, me and Alan are an amazing team.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
I love this game! Im playing this ALOT!
I use to switch between names.

Shit was amazing, we were about to win, we actually won by points since I had 90 points in the end and Thorn around 70 or something like that.
If anyone feels like playing join #aos in IRC and check if anyone wants to play.
Last edited by Alan; Oct 31, 2011 at 11:08 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
Me and Alan were playing in Goon Haven #2, and some miraculous shit happened.

Our team was doing pretty bad. Me and Alan were doing our best to build fortifications on the main path and bolster our defenses, with me building and Alan defending, but our efforts were ultimately in vain. We decided that the only way to beat the greens and get their intel and shit was to hit them from the side. And we did. Hard. At first, it was only us and another person who decided to join our squad. Together, we walked a long ways to a side path that connected to the enemy fort. We killed everyone at the path, and set up a base at the end of the path. Alan stayed there, to make sure we could be revived near him. We got more and more people to join our squad and attack the side of the fort, and with the help of a bunch of other players, we slowly began to advance across the path. As we fought our way through the enemies, we would set up bunkers to mark our progress and defend what we had already taken. It was a battle of epic proportions, trust me. All of us were constantly repairing structures and trying to build more bunkers to advance, and people were dying left and right.

With me heading the assault and Alan making sure we didn't respawn all the way back at base, we made fantastic progress.

Unfortunately, we never got to finish. Despite our success, time eventually ran out and we changed maps. But our progress was worth this tale.

Also, together, me and Alan are an amazing team.

awesome man, my ingame name is Dansan123 by the way...