Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Sticksane View Post
I have earned a good bit of TC here and there, and I'm ready to buy my first force. I have around 740 TC and was wondering if anyone new of anything that looks really nice that I can afford. (Yes. I have perused the shop to no end. I do not want marine, orc, or chronos...)

I'd buy a force first (Gaia~800tc; aqua force~1,5k; sphinx force ~ 1,5k; bronze ~1.5k; juryo~800tc). Best would be something more dark in my opinion, but that's just taste.
To buy the force first give the following advantage: your lax can't be seen by your opponent and Force is more dominant than the lax color.
I got myself an aqua force and am now trying to intrigue a merchant to sell me a gaia relax. I also got MarineP. Lookin good.
Great and gratz then ;)
If you cant find one buy it in the Market. But first of all you have to look for some days if someone sells the lax. And do not go over 700tc for a gaia lax ;)