Forever? 0_o
Hello, ive banned for "posting porn on UTM clan board" by Solax and banlift date are - never. For one funny picture on my clan board? I think its not fair. Please review youre solution.
Funny or not it doesnt matter. Next time pay more attention.
I know, and i agree it against rules, but this punishment is not fair.
Please review the Terms of Service which you agreed to upon registering for Toribash.
Then you can come back and talk to us about "fair".
(Hint: There's no such thing.)
Honestly, i see this terms of service first time, but play around 2.5 years. Maybe because when you register in game, you dont need to agree with something? Anyway, i know, no knowing rules =/= no punishment. But why permanent ban? I never got infractions before. For scams/hack attempts/stealing/racism ~3 month ban, for pic with cat in ass - permanent? funny.