Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[S]elling a manly Dragon Force
Pretty much what the title says.I am selling a really bright dragon force for all of you men out there who want to show their manliness :3

Starting bid: 3k
Autobuy: 12k

I might aswell add some more items,so keep an eye on this .
I play games and lift weights.
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info.
Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

Special offer!This offer will be valid in the next 24 hours wich consists in:
1.If you manage to buy the dragon force in this time interval you will get as a bonus a radioactive force,aqua force,marine force,and gladiator force.

Happy bidding !
I play games and lift weights.
Offer expired guys!
But don't get your hopes down,here comes another one.
If you buy the force in the next 12 hours,you will get a neptune primary gradient,a yummy chronos set and a radioactive force
I play games and lift weights.